Summer Game Fest Logo - colourful bubbles floating over a pastel backdrop.

Psychroma at Summer Game Fest!

Summer Game Fest kicks off on Friday, June 7— and we’ll be transmitting all new details and information!

Day of The Devs: SGF Edition Digital Show Case

  • When: June 7, at around 4:00 PM PT / 7:00 PM ET, directly following Summer Games Fest Live.
  • Where: The Summer Game Fest YouTube Channel
  • What: An extended look at the game and an interview with Psychroma developers, Rocket Adrift!

Future of Play Direct

  • When: June 8, at around 8:00 AM / 11:00 AM ET
  • Where: The Hey Glitch YouTube channel, but also on your faves, like IGN, GameSpot and Twitch.
  • What: Never before seen footage and release info!

But that’s not all! We’ll be dropping another opportunity to check out the game later this week…

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