Posts Tagged ‘updates’

Developing Our First Puzzle

Hey, everyone! It’s been a minute since we updated this, since we’ve been hard at work developing a demo for May. In particular, we have been focusing on getting the puzzles and progression together, including the main puzzle mechanic, a séance memory fragment puzzle. We thought it would be insightful to share a bit about…

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Seeking Funding for Psychroma

Hey, everyone! For the past month or so, we have been diving into getting funding for Psychroma and looking into different sources and the expectations of each type. We thought we would share some of our findings with you on this week’s devlog. Here in Canada there are primarily three different sectors for funding –…

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Sprite Animation

Hey, everyone! This week we thought we’d share a bit about our pipeline for character sprites, from initial design to animation. There will be a lot of animated elements to do for Psychroma, including but not limited to visual effects, background elements, special cutscenes, default/special character sprites & possibly even character portraits. Pixel art animation…

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Devlog Update 12/1/21

Hey, everyone! Here’s a brief update of what we’ve been working on over the last couple weeks. Assets Sprites We’ve started first pass designs, walk cycles and idle animations for each character sprite that will be appearing in the prototype. This includes the player character, four NPCs and a nebulous antagonist character. Tile Sets We…

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